Research & Analysis
APERC’s energy research is designed to foster understanding among APEC economies of global, regional and domestic energy issues facing the region.
APERC’s research themes are carefully selected to address relevant issues in support of the objectives and priorities of APEC Energy Ministers and the APEC Energy Working Group (EWG). The selection criteria used are: high priority for the majority of member economies, agreement on policy principles, APERC’s comparative advantage, business information needs, relevance to other expert groups, and relevance to existing and ongoing studies in the region or in the world. In general, the topics are categorised in the following areas:
APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook
Every three years, APERC prepares an Energy Demand and Supply Outlook for the APEC region, looking ahead 30 years or more. The Outlook projects energy demand by sector and energy type, transformation in both the power and refining sectors, and energy supply by energy type for each of the 21 APEC member economies and the APEC region as a whole. In addition to a reference scenario that assumes current in energy policies and trends in the APEC member economies, recent editions contain an alternative scenario which examines options for improving sustainability. The Outlook also projects future CO2 emissions and the expected future progress toward APEC’s energy intensity and renewable energy goals. To help formulate the Outlook, APERC undertakes extensive research and modelling on the energy systems in each APEC member economy and addresses selected individual topics. The results of the modelling and research efforts underlying the Outlook are also in other APERC reports.
APEC Energy Overview
APERC also prepares and publishes the APEC Energy Overview every year. The Overview introduces the current energy status and key energy policies of the 21 APEC member economies. It has been the pioneer publication of APERC in showcasing the latest APEC energy data compiled by the Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis (EGEDA) for more than 20 years now.
Fossil Fuel Reports
Since 2017, three separate studies focusing on coal, oil, and natural gas have been designed to support the Expert Group on Clean Fossil Energy (EGCFE) in broadening its perspective. The reports review supply, demand, trade, and price developments over the past ten years and projected developments over the next five years.
Topical Studies
Along with the Outlook, the Overview, and Fossil Fuel reports, APERC has been conducting research on topics relevant to energy issues and policies in the APEC region. The objective of the topical studies is to share information on member economies’ energy policies and provide useful information and insights to policymakers in the region.