Completed Activities
APEC Initiative for Enhancing Quality of Electric Power Infrastructure
At the APEC Ministerial Meeting in November 2014, Ministers recognised that lifecycle cost, environmental impacts, and safety such as resilience to natural disasters constitute the key elements of infrastructure quality. In the same month, APEC approved the publication of the APEC Guidebook on Quality of Infrastructure Development and Investment. Based on the spirit of the Guidebook, with a view to developing high-quality electric power infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region, Japan proposes to launch an initiative for the quality of electric power infrastructure development. The initiative consisted of the following activities: (1) survey on the current state and outlook of electric power infrastructure in the APEC region; (2) formulating a guideline for developing high-quality electric power infrastructure; (3) capacity building for disseminating the guideline.
Compendium of Energy Efficiency Policies of APEC Economies
The Compendium of Energy Efficiency Policies of APEC Economies was an annual publication intended to promote information sharing in the field of energy efficiency and energy conservation across the APEC economies. It included chapters discussing the current energy situation in each APEC economy. Chapters were contributed by each economy following a common format under a process coordinated by APERC. The contents of the compendium are now integrated into the APEC Energy Overview since 2017.
Energy and Economic Competitiveness
The Energy and Economic Competitiveness project was directly related to the Declaration in the 11th APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting (EMM) in Beijing, China, in September 2014, which called for specific research on energy and economic competitiveness. The following three tasks were carried out; (1) quantitative analysis of how energy affects industrial competitiveness with the most up-to-date knowledge of energy and industrial competitiveness, (2) make policy recommendations based on analysis for policymakers in the APEC region, and (3) disseminate information to the policymakers and concerned parties. In this context, the two rounds of workshops were held in order to gain knowledge and deepen our quantitative analysis with the support of relevant experts.
Cooperative Energy Efficiency Design for Sustainability (CEEDS)
The objective of the Cooperative Energy Efficiency Design for Sustainability (CEEDS) project was to promote “high-performance” energy efficiency policies and measures in economies in the APEC region, especially developing economies. Specifically, the project assisted economies that wish to design and implement measures for achieving energy efficiency improvements in a specified sector.
The project built on many of the information-sharing concepts that had made PREE successful. While PREE considers the whole range of energy efficiency policies and measures for one economy at a time, CEEDS considered policies and measures for several economies in one sector at a time.
Each phase of CEEDS had included two workshops drawing together experts in the sector and responsible officials from participating APEC economies, as well as research by APERC on potential energy savings in the sector. The responsible officials at the workshop took the lead, with invited speakers sharing their expertise. APERC researchers assisted at the workshops by helping to organize and moderate the discussions, as well as reporting the outcomes. After 2015, the function of CEEDS was succeeded by the Energy Efficiency Policy (EEP) Workshop under the framework of the Peer Review on Energy Efficiency (PREE) project.