Know-How Transfer Program
This program refers to special training sessions which are conducted on a regular basis in order to build the capacity of APEC member economies in projecting energy demand and supply and in energy data management. With the establishment of the Energy Statistics and Training Office (ESTO) in APERC in 2015, ESTO has been implementing this program.
Outlook Training
This program consists of two components. The first is the Seminar on Energy Supply and Demand Outlook, an annual training course held in Tokyo for energy officials and researchers from APEC member economies. The trainees attend a series of lectures and conduct practice exercises covering a broad range of topics, including macroeconomic concepts and their relations to energy, energy balance table preparation, and energy demand and supply modelling. The second component is the dispatch of experts to specific APEC economies to present short courses. These may be a follow-up activity for the trainees who came to Tokyo, as well as an opportunity for additional officials and researchers to participate in the training.
Energy Statistic Training
It has been observed in APEC member economies that staff turnover and transfer of energy statisticians to more challenging jobs resulted in less sustainable and lower quality data submissions. In order to ensure that new energy statisticians are sufficiently trained to improve APEC energy data quality through closer cooperation of the member economies, this energy statistics training program was started in 2014 by APERC/ESTO, the secretariat of the APEC Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis (EGEDA).
The objectives of this program are as follows:
- Increase the capacity of energy statisticians in APEC economies
- Enhance the human resource network between APEC economies and APERC
- Increase the level of understanding of the APEC energy database by APEC economies
- Introduce world trends in energy statistics to APEC economies
- Improve the reliability of the APEC energy database
The program consists of three components:
- A two-weeks short-term course in Tokyo offered to several economies,
- An eight-week internship at APERC/ESTO for two persons, and
- A secondment to APERC/ESTO for one person for at least one year.
APERC expects that all the trainees that participated in these courses will continue to work as energy statisticians in their respective economies.