APERC Presentation at EGNRET 61
16-17 January 2025, Chinese Taipei (Online)
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 60
23-26 April 2024, Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 59 & EGEE&C 61
17-18 October 2023, Manila, The Philippines
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 58 & EGEDA 34
4-5 April 2023, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) in Six APEC Southeast Asia Economies
Mr. Ario JATI
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 57 & EGEE&C 59
5-7 October 2022, Thailand (Online)
The Implementation of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) in Six APEC Southeast Asia Economies
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 56
6-7 April 2022, The United States (Online)
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 55 & EGEE&C 56
12-14 May 2021, Chinese Taipei (Online)
EGEDA update
Mr. Edito BARCELONA, Ms. Elvira Torres GELINDON, Mr. Nobuhiro SAWAMURA
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 54
November 10-11, 2020, The Philippines (Online)
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 53
October 22 – 26, 2019, Seoul, Korea
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 52 & EGEE&C 53
18-22 Mar 2019, Hong Kong, China
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 51 & EGEE&C 52
11-14 September 2018, Chiang Mai, Thailand
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 50
March 20-23,2018, Hawaii, U.S.A
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 49
October 23-27, 2017, Tokyo, Japan
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 48 & EGEE&C 49
27-31 March 2017, Jeju, Korea
APERC Activities Overview
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 47
10-11 October 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 46 & EGEE&C 47
13-14 April 2016, Taichung City, Chinese Taipei
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 45
16 November 2015, Xiamen University, China
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 44
13-14 April 2015, Laoag City, The Philippines
Attaining RE Doubling Goal by 2030(The Upcoming APEC Outlook 6th Edition)
Mr. Chrisnawan ANDITYA and Mr. Michael O. SINOCRUZ
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 43
12-13 November 2014, Chiang Mai, Thailand
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 42 & EGEE&C 43
EGNRET 42(7-9) & EGEE&C 43(9-11) April 2014, Hawaii, US
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 41
14-19 October 2013, Beijing, China
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 40
2-5 April 2013, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 39
11-14 December 2012, Shanghai, China
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 38
18-20 June 2012, Wellington, New Zealand
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 37
22-26 August 2011, Taipei, Chinese Taipei
Progress on APEC Peer Review on Low-Carbon Energy Supply (PRLCE) and Energy Efficiency (PREE)
Mr. Kenji Kobayashi
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 36 & EGEE&C 37
EGNRET 36, (28 February-4 March) & EGEE&C 37 (28 February-2 March), Washington, DC, United States
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 35
13-15 October 2010, Tokyo, Japan
APERC Presentation at EGNRET 34
26-28 April 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Overview of APERC Activities