Monday, 7 March 2011
Opening Session
Welcoming Remarks
Mr. Kenji Kobayashi, President, APERC
Session 1: Energy Efficient Transport for Smart Communities
Energy Efficient Transportaion for Smart Communities
Mr. Jeffrey E. Skeer, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), U.S.A.
Growing Cooler: The Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change
Prof. Reid H. Ewing, University of Utah, U.S.A.
Energy Efficient: Transportation for Livable Low-Carbon Communities
Mr. Brian T. Castelli, Executive Vice President, Programs and Development, Alliance to Save Energy, U.S.A.
Promoting Energy Efficiency through Transport Innovations
Dr. Narasimham Vijay Jagannathan, Sector Manager, East Asia and Pacific Region, World Bank
Recent Initiatives in Chile's Transport Sector
Mr. Ivan Jaques, Sustentank, Chile
Mexican Program - Energy Efficiency
Mr. Francisco Javier Garcia-Osario, National Commission of Efficient Energy Use, Mexico
Mr. Carlos A. Paredes, Corporacion Financiera de Desarrollo (COFIDE), Peru
Energy Efficient Urban Transport - Singapore's Experience
Dr. George Sun,LTA Academy, Land Transport Authority (LTA), Singapore
Energy Efficient Transport for Livable Low-Carbon Communities - An Experience of Chinese Taipei
Dr. Jyuung-Shiauu Chern, Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Chinese Taipei
Session 2: Promoting Low Carbon Energy Supply
APEC Peer Review on Low-Carbon Energy Supply (PRLCE) With initial focus on Renewable Energy Under APEC Peer Review Mechanism
Dr. Weerawat Chantanakome, APERC
Promoting Technology Innovation for a More Sustainable, Low-Carbon APEC
Dr. Peter Taylor, Head, Energy Technology Policy Division, International Energy Agency (IEA)
Role of ADB in Supporting RE in Asia: Quantum Leap in Wind Energy Initiative
Dr. Jitendra Shah, Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank
Nuclear Energy for Low Carbon Society - World Trends and Challenges
Dr. Sueo Machi, Senior Advisor to the JAEA, Japan
Promoting Low-Carbon Energy Technologies through CCS for a more sustainable APEC
Mr. Ronald Mitchell, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan
Promoting Low Carbon Energy Supply: Renewable Energy Development in Malaysia
Mr. Badaruddin Bin Mahyudin, Deputy Secretary General (Energy), Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Malaysia
Mr. Mark L. Pickup, Ministry of Economic Development, New Zealand
Philippine Energy Market Outlook and The National Renewable Energy Program
Atty. Jose M. Layug, Jr.,Undersecretary, Department of Energy, Philippines
Promoting Low Carbon - Energy Supply: Thailand Case Study
Dr. Twarath Sutabutr, Deputy Director-General, Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), Ministry of Energy, Thailand
Policies on Promoting Low Carbon Energy Supply in Viet Nam
Dr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Institute of Energy, Ministry of Industry and Trade,Viet Nam
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Session 3: Fulfiling Climate Change Mitigation Action Pledges
Pledges to Mitigate Emissions: An Overview
Dr. Ralph D. Samuelson, Vice President, APERC
World Energy Outlook 2010
Dr. Fatih Birol, Chief Economist, International Energy Agency (IEA)
Phasing Out Fossil Fuel Subsidies
Mr. Glen Sweetnam, National Security Council, U.S.A.
Will China Overwhelm the World with its Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
Dr. Nan Zhou, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.A.
Australia's Climate Change Mitigation Action
Ms Patricia A. Gleeson, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resources Economics and Sciences, Australia
Indonesia's Clean Energy Initiative: Reframing the Future of the Energy Industry
Ms Gita Lestari, Directorate General, New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia
Green Growth in Korea
Dr. Yonghun Jung, Conselor to the Minister, Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Korea
Session 4: APERC Activities
APERC Activities 2011-2012
Dr. Ralph D. Samuelson, Vice President, APERC
Future APERC Activities: 2011-12 Work Plan on PREE, CEEDS, PRLCE and LCMT
Dr. Weerawat Chantanakome, APERC
Closing Session
Round Table Discussion
Closing Remark
Mr. Kenji Kobayashi, President, APERC