Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Opening Session

Welcoming Remarks
Mr. Kotaro Kimura, President of APREC

Session 1: Understanding Energy In China

Energy Review of China
Dr. Yonghun Jung, Vice President, APERC
Enery Supply Issues in China
Ms. Liu Xiaoli, Energy Research Institute, China
Foreign Investment in China's Power Sector
Dr. Alan Chan, Meiya Power Company Limited, Hong Kong, China
China's Energy Demand/Supply Imbalances
Dr. Elspeth Thomson, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore

Session 2: Urban Transport Energy Use in the APEC region - Phase II

Urban Transport Energy Use in the APEC Region – Phase II
Ms. Naoko Doi, APERC
Urban Transport Energy in Thailand
Mr. Chamroon Tangpaisalkit, Ministry of Transport, Thailand
Toward the Realization of Sustainable Mobility, Transportation and Logistics Renaissance
Mr. Hajime Amano, Toyota Motors Corp., Japan
Jabodedabek Transportation Master Plan
Mr. Junji Shibata, Pacific Consultants, Japan
Rail Transportation Development in Jabodedabek
Mr. Robinson Manurung, Ministry of Transport, Indonesia

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Session 3: Understanding International Energy Initiatives in the APEC Region - Phase II

Understanding International Energy Initiatives: Way Forward
Dr. Sergey Popov, APERC
ADB’s Experience in Energy Sector Cooperation in the GMS Region
Dr. Yongping Zhai, ADB, Philippines
Challenges and Opportunities in International Energy Cooperation
Prepared by Mr. Pranesh Saha, UNESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand Presented by Prof. Thierry Lefevre, CEERD-FIHRD, Thailand
Following the markets: Emergency and evolution of binding international energy regime – and the role of the Energy Charter Treaty
Dr. A. Konoplyanik, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels, Belgium

Session 4: Energy Efficiency in the APEC Region

Energy Efficiency in APEC, A Focus on the Power Sector
Dr. Yonghun Jung, Vice President, APERC
Energy Efficiency in the European Context
Prof. Jean-Marie Chevalier, University of Paris – Dauphine, France
Energy Efficiency Community Development
Ms. Larisa Dobriansky, Baker and Hostetler, USA
Supporting Energy Efficiency with EE Standardization and Labeling
Ms. Wei Han, CECP, China
Hitachi’s Approach to Efficiency Improvement in Thermal Power Plant
Mr. Y. Fujitani, Hitachi, Japan

Friday, 22 February 2008

Session 5: New Research Studies for 2008

Proposal for FY 2008 Themes of Research Studies
Dr. Yonghun Jung, Vice President, APERC
Energy Resource Potential of Natural Gas Hydrates and the Circum-Arctic
Ms. Brenda Pierce, US Geological Survey, USA
New Research Studies for 2008 – Comments and Suggestions
Dr. Kang Wu, East West Center, USA
Energy Plan and Nuclear Power in Asia
Dr. Sueo Machi, Nuclear Safety Research Association, Japan

Round table discussion on policy issues in the APEC region

Closing Session

Chair’s Closing Remarks
Dr. Kenichi Matsui, APERC, IEEJ
Dr. Yonghun Jung, Vice President, APERC
Closing Remark
Mr. Kotaro Kimura, President, APERC