Opening Session
Session 1: Considerations for Long Term Scenario Development
This session will discuss key issues impacting the long term outlook of the energy sector including climate change, technology, renewables, energy efficiency and conservation. The objective of this session is to seek input from leading energy experts on improvements to the APEC Energy Demand and
Supply Outlook for the development of the 7th edition.
Session Introduction
Session 2: Implications of Prolonged Low Energy Prices on the Energy Mix
This session will focus on the outlook for energy supply and will discuss the impacts of prolonged low energy prices on investments in the energy sector. It will also evaluate the challenges faced by renewables and other low carbon energy technologies as well as implications for energy sector investments.
Session 3: Prospects for An Energy Security Framework in the Asia-Pacific Region
This Session will evaluate the energy security situation in the Asia-Pacific Region and prospects for an APEC energy security framework. Discussion will cover current regional situation, key elements and conceivable obstacles to developing a framework.