
APERC President’s Report
Mr. Takato OJIMI
1. APERC President's Report
Mr. Takato OJIMI
2. APEC Emergency Measures
Mr. Takato OJIMI
3. Peer Review on Energy Efficiency (PREE) and Cooperative Energy
Mr. Takato OJIMI
4. APEC's Energy Intensity Reduction Goal: Progress Update
Dr. Brant LIDDLE
5. Peer Review on Low Carbon Energy Policies (PRLCE)
Mr. Takato OJIMI

APERC WorkShop

1. Toward APEC Energy Demand & Supply Outlook 6th Edition
Dr. Brantley LIDDLE
2. Transportation Energy Demand Model
3. Electricity Supply Model
Mr. Takashi OTSUKI
4. Pathways to shale gas development in APEC
Mr. Roberto LOZANO
5. Policy Success Factors for Geothermal Electricity Development in the APEC Region
Mr. Chrisnawan ANDITYA
6. Quantitative Analysis of Potential Benefits of Power Grid Interconnection in Northeast Asia
Mr. Takashi OTSUKI
7. Follow-up Peer Review on Energy Efficiency (PREE) on The Philippines
Ms. Naomi WYNN