Opening Session
Session 1: 7th Edition Outlook BAU and TGT Scenarios
This session with focus on the impacts of decreasing energy intensity and increasing renewable energy use on energy scenario projections. The discussion will begin with a presentation of the results of the Business-As-Usual (BAU) and APEC Target (TGT) Scenarios that will be published in the 7th APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook. It will continue with discussion of other related analysis and topics related to the impacts of energy efficiency and technological change in the energy system.
S1 Moderator
Session 2: Climate Change and the 7th Edition Outlook 2 Degree Scenario (2DS)
This session with focus on the impacts of transitioning to a low-carbon energy system, beginning with a presentation of the results of the 2-Degree Scenario (2DS) that will be published in the 7th APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook. It will continue with discussion of other related analysis and topics related to energy sector decarbonisation from technical, policy, and legal perspectives.
S2 Moderator
Session 3: The Implications of the Three Scenarios (BAU, TGT, & 2DS) on Investment, Trade and Security
This session with focus on the implications of the three scenarios on energy sector investment, trade, and geopolitics. It will begin with an overview of the energy investment, trade, and security analysis included in the 7th APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook. It will continue with detailed discussion on these topics, including the geopolitical implications of these scenarios.
S3 Moderator
Session 4: Looking Ahead to the 8th Edition and Identifying Potential Research Gaps
This session with focus on key topics that could be explored in the 8th Edition of the APEC Outlook and identifying existing and potential research gaps.
S4 Moderator
Concluding Session:
In this final session, the speakers will focus on how to increase the socialization of the Outlook throughout the APEC region. As a part of this discussion, speakers will comment on possible scenarios to examine in the 8th Edition of the Outlook in order to continue to further improve the relevance of this research project.