Tuesday, 23 January 2024

MC: Professor Mayumi Matsumoto, Visiting Associate Professor, Special Division of Environmental and Energy Sciences, Komaba Organization for Educational Excellence (KOMEX), the University of Tokyo, Japan


Session 1: Opening Session

Opening Remarks
Dr Kazutomo Irie, President, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC)
Keynote Speech:
Mr Hideyuki Umeda, Director for International Policy on Carbon Neutrality, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan
Keynote Speech:
Dr Meng Liu, Chair, APEC Expert Group on Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EGEEC) and, Deputy Chief, Division of Resources and Environment, China National Institute of Standardization, China
Group Photo

Session 2: Energy Efficiency in Building: Current Situation and Room for further improvement

Moderator: Mr Ting-Jui Sun, Senior Researcher, APERC

Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Hong Kong, China
Mr Wallace Leung, Chief Engineer, Energy Efficiency B, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of Hong Kong, China
Modeling US buildings energy efficiency
Ms Courtney Sourmehi, Industry Economist, Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, the US
Energy Efficiency of Buildings in Australia
Dr Subbu Sethuvenkatraman, Research Group Leader,Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
Japan’s Path for Carbon Neutrality and the Role of Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Dr Naoko Doi, Senior Research Director, Assistant Director, Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Unit, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
Q&A for all presenters and discussion
Coffee Break

Session 3: Energy Efficiency in Transport: Current Situation and Room for further improvement

Moderator: Mr Finbar Maunsell, Assistant Researcher, APERC

Improving Energy Efficiency in Transport Sector of Singapore
Professor Qiang Meng, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), National University of Singapore
Improving Energy Efficiency in Transport in Malaysia
Mr Huzaimi Nor Bin Omar, Chief Operating Officer, Green EV Charge Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
Improving Energy Efficiency in Transport in the Philippines
Dr Noriel Christopher Tiglao, National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) , University of the Philippines
Achievement and potential of multi-pathway approach in road transport sector - Japan's experience
Mr Takao Aiba, Vice chairperson of Environmental Policy Subcommittee, and Chairperson of International Climate Change Policy Expert Group, Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc., (JAMA), Japan
Q&A for all presenters and discussion
Lunch Break

Session 4: Energy Efficiency in Industry: Additional Potential for Achieving Carbon Neutrality in APEC

Moderator: Mr Mathew Horne, Senior Researcher, APERC

Improving Energy Efficiency in Industry in Chinese Taipei
Dr Tze-Chin Pan, Deputy Division Director, Energy Policy and Planning Division, Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Chinese Taipei
Improving Energy Efficiency in Industry in Korea
Mr Minkyu Kim, Associate Research Fellow, Department of Energy Demand and Policy Analysis, Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI), Korea
Improving Energy Efficiency in Industry in Thailand
Mr Wisaruth Maethasith, Engineer, Professional Level, Energy Regulation and Conservation Division, Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy, Thailand
Improving Energy Efficiency in Industry in Japan
Mr Akira Ishihara, Special Adviser, International Cooperation Division, the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ)
Q&A for all presenters and discussion
Coffee Break

Session 5: Energy Management System and Smart City: Current Situation and Room for further improvement

Moderator: Mr Glen Sweetnam, Senior Vice President, APERC

APEC Low-Carbon Model Town (LCMT) Project
Mr Minh Tran, Deputy Head, Environment and Regional Sustainability Department, Institute of Regional Sustainable Development, Viet Nam
ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND SMART CITIES: Current Situation and its Future in the Philippines
Mr Felix William Fuentebella, Undersecretary, Office of Undersecretary, Department of Energy, the Philippines
Implementation of Energy Management System on Campus Buildings in Indonesia
Dr Sentagi Sesotya Utami, Associate Professor, Engineering Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia
Q&A for all presenters and discussion


Closing Remarks
Dr Kazutomo Irie, President, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC)
Reception: Banquet room “AQUAMARINE 32” on the 32nd Floor

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Site Visit (half a day):Tokyo Denki University